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70 votes
70 votes

Consider the following program segment for a hypothetical CPU having three user registers $R_1, R_2$ and $R_3.$ $$\begin{array}{|l|l|c|} \hline \text {Instruction}  &  \text{Operation }& \text{Instruction size} \\&& \text{(in words)} \\\hline \text{MOV $R_1,5000$} & \text{$R_1$} \leftarrow  \text{Memory$[5000]$}& \text{$2$} \\\hline\text{MOV $R2,(R1)$} & \text{$R2$} \leftarrow  \text{Memory$[(R_1)]$}& \text{$1$} \\\hline \text{ADD $R_2,R_3$} & \text{$R2$} \leftarrow  \text{$R_2 + R_3$} & \text{$1$} \\\hline \text{MOV $6000,R_2$} & \text{Memory$[6000]$} \leftarrow  \text{$R_2$} & \text{$2$} \\\hline \text{HALT} & \text{Machine Halts} & \text{$1$} \\\hline \end{array}$$Consider that the memory is byte addressable with size $32$ bits, and the program has been loaded starting from memory location $1000$ (decimal). If an interrupt occurs while the CPU has been halted after executing the HALT instruction, the return address (in decimal) saved in the stack will be

  1. $1007$
  2. $1020$
  3. $1024$
  4. $1028$
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4 Answers

Best answer
103 votes
103 votes

Option is D.

Word size is $32$ $bits$ ($4$ $bytes$). Interrupt occurs after execution of HALT instruction NOT during,  So address of next instruction will be saved on to the stack which is $1028$.  

(We have $5$ instructions starting from address $1000$, each of size $2, 1, 1, 2, 1$ totaling $7$ words $= 7 *4 =28$ $bytes$). 

$1000+ 28 = 1028$,

$1028$ is the starting address of NEXT Instruction .

After HALT instruction CPU enters a HALT state and if an interrupt happens the return address will be that of the instruction after the HALT. 

 References :

  1.  https://x86.puri.sm/html/file_module_x86_id_134.html [ X86 Instructors Manual ]
  2. http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/277735/what-happens-if-the-interrupt-occurs-during-the-execution-of-halt-instruction
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HLT_(x86_instruction)
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10 votes
10 votes
answer should be 1024 because consider the case where halt statement is succeeded by some AlU instructions now if you'll store the next intruction as the return address when an interrupt occur while executing halt then in that case after executing the interrupt program will execute those alu instruction which should not happen as program is already halted
6 votes
6 votes

It is clearly mentioned that HALT instruction has executed completely.

Now some other instruction just began its fetch at 1028, interrupt came, so it is bit OBVIOUS that 1028 will be the answer,

1007, 1020 are useless options


D is the corect answer

5 votes
5 votes

Working of HALT:

HALT instruction stops the execution of a program by changing the PC value to the current instruction program counter value (1028 is replaced with 1024 in this case) so when the HLT instruction is completed, the CPU fetches the instruction from the location specified in PC (PC contains 1024, ie HLT instruction) and increments the PC value to 1028 and does the same thing.

Now the fetched HALT instruction does the same thing again and again ( ie Changing the PC value to 1024 from 1028). It halts the program only from the user point of view, but HALT is simply busy waiting from the CPU point of view. 

So ans is 1024


PS: From Chottu’s comment "Interrupt comes during the halt instruction" and "Interrupt comes after halt instruction", both are the same. Because interrupt is served only after execution of current instruction.


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