Frequently Asked Questions

The following is basic information about GATE Overflow. Please read this before posting questions or answers if you are unfamiliar with this sort of forum. Click on any question to show or hide the answer.
  • What kinds of questions can I ask here?
  • Most importantly, questions should be relevant to GATE CS. Before you ask, please make sure to search for a similar question. You can search for questions by their title or use tags in the Tag Search on right. Use Google Custom search on right sidebar for an elaborate search based on any part of question text. All previous GATE questions from 1991 in CS & IT are already in site. Just see the Prev Exams tab.
  • What kinds of questions should be avoided?
  • Please avoid asking questions that are not related to GATE CS.
  • Who moderates this community?
  • The short answer is: you. This website is moderated by the users. Points system allows users to earn rights to perform a variety of moderation tasks.
  • What should I avoid in my answers?
  • GATE Overflow for GATE CSE is a question and answer site - it is not a discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend to dilute the quality of the forum.

    For brief discussion, or to thank someone for their answer, please post comments, not answers.
  • Can I hide the answer display by default?
  • Yes, you can. Just see here and change preference accordingly.
  • How can I use the site only for Previous year GATE questions
  • Just see here and change preference accordingly.
  • I don't like the theme, can I change?
  • Yes, you can. Just visit the User Account page and chose the theme at bottom. We recommend using Donut theme or SnowFlat.
  • How can I add any equation in my post?
  • If you know Latex it is pretty simple- just enclose the latex code for the equation inside \$ \$. If you don't know Latex, then you can use the 'fx' button in the editor toolbar and it enables you to enter latex graphically.
  • Can I add Images/links to my post?
  • Yes, you can. Simply use the corresponding buttons in the editor toolbar. For file upload, use the 'link' button and there you can get file upload option. Also, you can use the yellow button in editor toolbar to get external upload feature from facebook, dropbox etc. If you want to draw a graph, please see Useful Links .
  • How does point system work?
  • When a question or answer is voted up, the user who posted it will gain points. These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust in that person. Various moderation tasks are gradually assigned to the users based on those points.

    For example, if you ask an interesting question or useful answer, it will likely be voted up. On the other hand if the question is poorly-worded or the answer is misleading - it will likely be voted down. Each up vote on a question will generate 3 points, whereas each vote against will subtract 3 points. The following table lists points gained per activity:

    Selecting an answer for your question: + 2 points
    Per up vote on your question: + 6 points
    Per down vote on your question: - 6 points
    Limit from up votes on each question: + 40 points
    Limit from down votes on each question: 40 points
    Having your answer selected as the best: + 50 points
    Per up vote on your answer: + 8 points
    Per down vote on your answer: - 2 points
    Limit from up votes on each answer: + 120 points
    Limit from down votes on each answer: 20 points
    Per up vote on your comment: + 4 points
    Limit from up votes on each comment: + 80 points
    Limit from down votes on each comment: + 10 points
    Add for all users: + 5 points

    The following table lists point requirements for each type of moderation task.

    Flagging posts 10 points
  • Who manages the site?
  • GATE Overflow is the idea of two IISc alumni. This site is for making all GATE relevant questions and answers freely available for everyone. This is a zero business venture and is run by the donation of time and money of the admin people. Still we need money for outsourcing activities like data entry, app development etc. so that we can focus on improving the content.
  • How to change my picture (gravatar), and what is gravatar?
  • The picture that appears in user profiles is called a gravatar, which means globally recognized avatar.

    Here is how it works: You upload your picture (or your favorite alter ego image) to the website from where we later retrieve your image using a cryptographic key based on your email address.

    This way all the websites you trust can show your image next to your posts and your email address remains private.

    Please personalize your account with an image - just register at (just please be sure to use the same email address that you used to register with us). The default gray image is generated automatically.

    If there is anything lacking, please use the feedback form.