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Given a discrete $\text{K}$-class dataset containing $\text{N}$ points, where sample points are described using $\text{D}$ features with each feature capable of taking $\text{V}$ values, how many parameters need to be estimated for Naïve Bayes Classifier?

  1. $V^{D} K$
  2. $K^{V^{D}}$
  3. $\text{VDK}$
  4. $\text{K(V + D)}$


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3 Answers

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C. VDK is the closest answer, but the actual answer should be VDK + K.

Naive bayes calculates P(v | k) for each value v of each feature for each class k. Hence, this gets us VDK parameters. Also NB has to calculate P(k) for each class. Therefore, the total number of parameters are VDK + K.

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Naive Bayes how many parameters need to be estimated : 

Given a dataset of N points in which each point has d features . Each feature can take V values.
X=<X1,X2…...Xd>  and Xi=<V Discrete Values> to be classified into Y = <K Discrete Classes>

P(Y|X=x1,x2,x3...xd) is prop to   P(Y).P(X=x1,x2,x3...xd|Y) 
 P(Y) needs K-1 parameters
P(X=x1,x2,x3...xd|Y)  needs dVK – dK parameters => dk(V-1)

In total   K-1 + dk(V-1) parameters needed.


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