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1 votes
hi seniors and gate rankers in the month of November aspirants of gate 2019 are now able to complete 80 to 90 % of syllabus some of them are revising , I am also at the same position but since 1 week I am losing my confidence and because of this the no of hours I was giving to gate is decreasing drastically, please suggest me how to overcome from this problem.

1 Answer

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Why don't you follow a schedule? We have our schedule going on in GO classroom and OS, COA, Compilers and Calculus are left for the month of November. Once you have a schedule, it'll be easy to have focus. Then it is good to give full length exam even if you havent completed all subjects -- because the final GATE exam will be full length. In GO classroom we just had a full length exam - Mock Test 4 given by Bikram Ballav -- and it showed the aspirants where they stand as of now. After the subjects get over in GO classroom by this month end we will have more tests and discussions -- one wont have any time to even loose focus. 

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