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64 votes
64 votes

The usual $\Theta(n^2)$ implementation of Insertion Sort to sort an array uses linear search to identify the position where an element is to be inserted into the already sorted part of the array. If, instead, we use binary search to identify the position, the worst case running time will

  1. remain $\Theta(n^2)$
  2. become $\Theta(n  (\log n)^2)$
  3. become $\Theta(n \log n)$
  4. become $\Theta(n)$
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2 Answers

Best answer
135 votes
135 votes

In insertion sort, with linear search, it takes

(worst case) $n$ comparisons for searching the right position, and $n$ swaps to make room to place the element.

Hence for n elements, a total of $n\times(n+n)$; $n$ for search and $n$ for swaps.

$= \Theta (2n^2) = \Theta (n^2)$

If we replace it with binary search, it takes

(worst case) $\log n$ comparisons for searching the right position, and $n$ swaps to make room to place the element.

Hence for n elements, a total of $n\times(\log n+n)$; $n$ for search and $n$ for swaps.

$= \Theta (n \times \log n + n^2) = \Theta (n^2)$

Hence, answer is A.

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36 votes
36 votes

A. Complexity remains same.θ(n2)

To place the element x in the correct position first we are finding its correct position in the sorted array using binary search but we have to make the space for it by shifting all elements to the right, which in worst case may be equal to the size of the sorted array.


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