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23 votes
23 votes

The number of binary relations on a set with $n$ elements is:

  1. $n^2$

  2. $2^n$

  3. $2^{n^2}$

  4. None of the above

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2 Answers

Best answer
29 votes
29 votes
Answer: $C$

In a binary relation two elements are chosen from the set. So, with $n$ elements $n^2$ pairings are possible. Now, a relation can be any subset of these $n^2$ pairings and thus we get $2^{n^2}$ binary relations.
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0 votes
0 votes
max number of elements in a binary relation on a set of n elements = n x n = n^2

therefore number of binary relations= $2^{n^2}$
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