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24 votes
24 votes

An operating system used Shortest Remaining System Time first (SRT) process scheduling algorithm. Consider the arrival times and execution times for the following processes:$$\small \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Process} &  \textbf{Execution Time} & \textbf{Arrival Time} \\\hline \text{P1} & 20 & 0 \\ \text{P2} & 25 & 15 \\ \text{P3} & 10 & 30 \\ \text{P4} & 15 & 45 \\\hline  \end{array}$$What is the total waiting time for process $P2$ ?

  1. $5$
  2. $15$
  3. $40$
  4. $55$
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4 Answers

Best answer
28 votes
28 votes

The answer is (B).

Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart

Waiting time for process $P2 =$ Completion time $–$ Arrival time $–$ burst time $= 55 – 15 – 25 = 15$

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15 votes
15 votes

For process $P2$ :
$\begin{align*} \text{Waiting Time} &= \text{TAT} - \text{BT}\\ &= \left ( \text{CT-AT}\right) - BT \\ &= \left( 55 - 15 \right ) - 25 \\ &= 15 \end{align*}$

answer = option B

3 votes
3 votes

we can solve using this way 


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